About Dailymag Magiko Water Softener

About Dailymag Magiko Water Softener

magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment

Because water softeners have become a popular trend you may think of purchasing oneyourself. But what is hard water and what are its effects? Can a magnetic watersoftener be your solution? To make sure you pick the right product for yourhome it's important to answer a few questions and we provide the answers below.

Hard Water and its Effects

Ever wonder what the residue on your glasses or clothes is after washing? Chancesare you have hard water without knowing it. Hard water is water with higherconcentrations of hard minerals such as magnesium and calcium. This uptake ofminerals happens when water moves through sedimentary rock because water is asolvent.

To make it clearer: Soft water has a mineral concentration of 17 parts per million(ppm), moderately hard water has a total concentration of 60 – 120 ppm and hardwater exceed 180 ppm.  

As we know: Water is our most precious resource as it contains much nutrition yourbody needs to operate correctly. Dailymag Magnetic water softener will createan unlimited supply of magnetic "soft " water. This means minerals,which have a tendency to clump together will now instead push away from eachother making them smaller and as a result, easier to assimilate into your body.This is a good thing as many in the world are mineral deficient.

Magiko is a brand of Dailymag, that is for Magnetic Water Softeners. Traditional water softeners removecalcium and magnesium from water through a filtering process or thruelectricity or water pressure. When these minerals are removed from the water,they are replaced by sodium ions. The sodium cannot generally be detected inthe water’s taste.

With Magiko magnetic water softeners the water is not filtered. In fact, magnetic water softeners do not remove anyminerals from the hard water. They work by stopping the scale from forming inthe water prior to being distributed throughout the pipes by conveying an magneticforce through the hard water as itpasses through a magnetic field.

Magiko provides magnetic technologies that alter the structure of water clusters. Without magnetization toxins and waste products build up causing molecule clusters tobe much larger in size, increasing surface tension, increasing viscosity andlimiting dissolvability and permeability of water. This results in poor water productivity as only a small percentage of water and nutrients applied are dissolved and made available for plants to take up at fine root zones. Magnetictreatment breaks up the molecules to smaller clusters allowing them to passbthrough plant capillaries more readily.

Our magnetization reduces surface tension, reduces viscosity, increases dissolvability, increases permeability and increases oxygen content hencemaking nutrients more readily available to plants and soils. Water is then saidto be biologically "alive". 

Magneticwater softeners / treatments can be explained by a phenomenon called "Magnetic-Hydromagnetic resonance" under the action of Lorentz's force. The key parametersthat influence the magnetic treatment are the velocity of water flow in thepipe and the intensity of magnetic induction.

magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment

Are Magnetic Water Softeners Reliable?

There is a lot of controversy surrounding magneticwater softeners. There are claims that they're as efficient as traditional saltwater softeners and others state there's no scientific evidence to prove theirefficacy. Research suggests that the results of studies done on magneticsofteners are inconclusive and their effects on hard water are marginal.Magnetic softeners are also unreliable in terms of giving a long-lasting effectbecause the water reverts to its original state after 48 hours and even when heated.

magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment

How do They Compare With Other Water Softeners?

But if you don't pick a magnetic watersoftener, what other options do you have? You can try traditional softenersthat work with salt by targeting minerals that cause water hardness. Thesesystems contain resin beds which are responsible for replacing hardness ionswith sodium ions in a process called ion exchange. Another alternative is salt-freesofteners that use chemicals to change the composition of thewater so that it doesn't stick to surfaces as scale.

The salt-free and magnetic softeners onlycondition the water by changing its composition. This makes salt watersofteners the most effective in reducing the negative effects of hard waterscale build-up, prolonged life of appliances, harshness on skin etc. Magneticsofteners are by far the most affordable when compared with their salt andsalt-free counterparts. They require zero maintenance whereas the other tworequire water, electricity, salt, and chemical usage.

How about water quality? Water conditioned by magnetic softeners is safer to drink as it retains essential minerals and doesn't use chemicals or increase the sodium content of the water. This makes the magnetic softener the healthiest and most eco-friendly option. In the end, it's up tothe consumer to decide which effect he or she wants in the home.

magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment

Are They Efficient?

A water softener will save you money andimprove the health of your hair & skin. Choosing the right one isimportant. Before spending money on a softening system, why not have your watertested to determine the level of hardness? We can see that when compared withsalt and salt-free options themagnetic softeners havesome great benefits. They condition the water rather than soften it and aretherefore probably more efficient if your water is moderately hard. Themagnetic softener is the perfect addition to a food service business whichrequires non-chemical water softening. These softeners are most effective atreducing scale which can become problematic in these kinds of environments.

magnetic water softener, magnetic water conditioner, magnetic water filter, magnetic water treatment

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